I Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research www.moheiraq.org
II Guide addresses colleges of the University of Diyala
University of Diyala | www.uodiyala.edu.iq |
College of Medicine | www.diy-medicine.net |
College of Veterinary Medicine | www.diyveterinarymed.net |
College of Engineering | www.diyengineering.net |
College of Sciences | www.diysciences.net |
Alrazi College of Education | www.diyalrazi.net |
Alassmai College of Education | www.diyalassmai.net |
College of Sport Education | www.diysport.net |
College of Basic Education | www.diybasicedu.net |
College of Agriculture | www.diyagriculture.net |
College of Low & Political Science | www.diylow.net |
College of Administration & Economics | www.ecomang.net |
College of Islamic Science | www.diyislamic.net |
Center Childhood & Motherhood | www.diychildcenter.net |
III Arab Univercities (Click here)
IV Foreigne Univercities (Click here)