Cesarean section of a cow

Cesarean section of a cow
The branch of surgery and obstetrics – our college and within the activities of the outpatient department, performed a caesarian operation (a cow, where the cause of failure of the birth occurred was the abnormal position of the fetus resulting from the deviation of the head and neck sideways, which led to the death of the fetus and swelling several days ago as a result of delayed delivery. Under local anesthesia, with sedatives given prior to the operation, antibiotics and necessary analgesics were injected with all supportive treatments during and after the surgical procedure to preserve the safety of the mother. The operation was conducted by an integrated medical team from the branch of surgery and obstetrics and they are both:
Yassin Mahmoud Rashid
Prof. Noureddine Yassin Khodeir
Prof. Salah Nouri Muhammad
B- Intisar Hussain Kazem
The process was crowned with success, and a number of fifth stage students contributed to the process.