Scientific Symposium held entitled diarrhea epidemic (cholera Cholera)
Held scientific symposium at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine / University of Diyala on 09/26/2010 under the title (diarrhea epidemic (cholera Cholera)) in the branch of diseases and diseases of poultry of the College was attended by a number of Heads and makers branches of scientific and teaching staff, administrative and technical college. Was chaired by Mr. Dean (Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Razak Shafiq Hassan) seminar, which included a lecture in which he, and view an educational scientific laboratory for the identification of epidemic spread of cholera and Imradith clinical Kkhmj intestine sharp definition of the factor bacterial strain of the disease and methods of production of the toxin is a nurse and methods of laboratory diagnostic methods Prevention and control. The seminar witnessed the scientific discussions took place between attendance and minutes of the seminar. He presented the latest statistics and epidemiological developments of this disease at the local level and the Arab world.